Thursday, September 20, 2007

blue line blues - w4m

You smiled at me on the train this afternoon, but before I could think of a super-witty yet casual conversation starter, an older guy who smelled like stale cigarettes shoved his way in between us. This always happens to me. I mean, not specifically being jostled by old men who smoke too much - though now that I think about it, that does happen a lot on the CTA - but letting shyness get the better of me and losing the moment.

Later, at my stop, I tripped over someone's (strategically placed right in front of the doors) luggage. Yeah, I'm smooth.

you: tall guy with a reddish t-shirt and dark brown hair
me: fool with a black tank top, jeans and a ponytail


Alex said...

Welcome back, Drew!

Drew said...

thanks! :)

Drew said...

reply just received:

mmm, black tank top? i would remembered that for sure. you cute sweetie?

What do you mean you would have remembered a black tank top? That is like the least memorable article of clothing ever except maybe a white T-shirt. Besides, since he isn't even pretending to be who the MC was meant for, obviously this dude is just emailing every female poster on craigslist indiscriminately...

I myspace/google stalked him and all I came up with was a private myspace profile where the default picture is him standing next to someone in a daffy duck suit. now THAT would be an outfit to remember.

Alex said...

yeah, do you think he's emailing everyone with "mmmm, [insert copy and pasted identifying characteristic]? i would remembered that for sure. you cute sweetie?"

Bennett said...

Plus, if he remembered you, he would know you're cute.

Not that we really need more evidence that this isn't the guy. I'm really scared/excited for the next one of us who gets a date from this blagh...