She looks something like this...

So we don't even have to meet actual Missed Connections anymore? We can just post pictures of people we think are hot and then go out with all of the people who (claim to) look like that?
p.s. I think this girl looks a bit like Bennett...
good call- i'm on it!
dude - don't blow my cover alex!
But, seriously, this is either complete laziness or complete genius. And, an interesting blurring of the line between missed connection/crush. (As previously discussed in Breakin It Down on 9/21).
Is this picture of a person this woman really knows or just fantasy?
i'm responding.
Here it is. We'll see if she responds...
My friend forwarded me your post, as that girl does look similar to me. Are you looking for specific person, or just casting a wide net? Either way, brilliant use of the Missed Connections.
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