Wednesday, November 28, 2007

$700 sexy roomate situation hot man for a hot lady

Looking to move in with a girl and split the rent. Share cooking, cleaning, laundry, and each other. 23 white male honest and integral, carpenter young man who knows how to make and do things, including jewelry making, furniture and construction, and how to please a woman and make you orgasm. Ideally you are between 20 and 30, goal oriented, healthy, fit, fun, cute, height and weight proportionate, non smoker, and without too much drama or baggage. I can handle some, it doesn’t scare me, but its not my cup of tea. You must have stable income, I do, and I don’t want to be paying your bills for you or vice versa. IAM a great man to have around, a good lover, and I won't steal your stuff. I am willing to pay half your rent and utilities up to 700, I am flexible, but I would like it to be around that or less. Remember, I'm looking to move into your space and pay half your rent, and we share your bed, and each other.

There are so many, many things to say about this ad. Feel free to make use of the comment button below.


Russell said...

So many comments come to mind, like "what is he integral to?" and "why didn't I think of this?"

Alex said...

If I were a more daring sort of girl, I would actually meet this guy, purely based on burning curiosity. Anyone game?

sasha said...

oh i would totally do this.

i mean jesus was a carpenter.

and jesus was hot.

Frankie said...

russell: EXACTLY what i was thinking. the integral part, not that i should try this.

alex: i love recon.

sasha: jesus = hottt. loincloth.

i wonder what the line between "some" drama and "enough drama to not be my cup of tea" is.

Alex said...

Frankie, I suspect that line hovers somewhere around "I'm desperate and would rather a crazy girl than a girl who is not fit, cute, hot, height and weight proportionate." Whatevs.

I always love reading men's singles ads because they always list like ten characteristics that the woman must possess and at least eight of them are some variation of thin and/or attractive. The adjectives they use to describe themselves often have to do with how gainfully employed and/or rich they are. Oh, and their sexual prowess. It's really interesting. Someone should do a content analysis on this! Actually, I'm sure that's already been done.

Someone should also do a content analysis of "... carpenter young man who knows how to make and do things, including jewelry making, furniture, construction, and how to please a woman and make you orgasm."

schmidt's confectionery said...

when i was reading this to jason last night at 3am over the phone, he asked whether make and do were bold or in quotes because I put such emphasis on them...I said no but really it's because they are such an amazing way to describe ones skill set.

also I think that should I ever start a band it is going to be called "sexy roommate situation"

also I think he might be eastern european.. I just have a feeling

Drew said...

man, you guys can hate all you want on this integral gentleman, but all that making and doing of jewelry, furniture, constructions, and orgasms sounds pretty sweet to me.

I applaud his combining two entirely different craigslist categories (m4w and housing) into a single offer, and I think that one of you new yorkers should definitely meet him!

p.s. on the other hand I am drunk right now so maybe take my suggestions with a grain of salt.