Monday, June 16, 2008

Sometimes I'm Happy When the Connections are Missed

Saw you on Brooklyn Bridge, with some guy? ? ? ? Sunday. - m4w - 27 (The Brooklyn Bridge ? ? ?? )

You were on the Brooklyn Bridge, posing for a lot of photos. You kept saying they made you look like a hamster (loudly). The dude you were with was fat, gay.

Me: disheveled guy you thought was homeless, talking into imaginary cellphone.

Coffee?? ? ? ?

Maybe make out ?

Oh yeah this guy's a winner- you go get him girl!


Alex said...

I swear I've seen that guy walking down 4th St. Or maybe that was an actual homeless person.

sasha said...

i know right? maybe i am over-looking an entire group of eligible singles...something to think about people!